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Michael Manzi - Online Memorial Website

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Michael Manzi
Born in United States
28 years
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Anna Romeo Gone too soon. January 1, 2013
Mike, I will always remember your beautiful smile, kind face, and how you cooked delicacy food  for us. 
Chris Manzi Wish there was more time April 19, 2012
Of all my cousins, I think I probably saw Michael the least...but after hearing all of the wonderful things that his friends and family said about him, I began to realize that we shared many more common interests than I had known. I wish I had spent more time with him, playing some guitar or discussing some philosophy. My thoughts and prayers are with all of his family and closest friends. I'll always remember him, and do my best to honor his memory. Love you, Mike. 

Your cousin,
Aunt,Tracy Manzi Our Angel, Michael April 19, 2012
I remember the first time that I met Mike and Marilyn, it was the first time I met your parents as well.  You were both very little, and some of the most beautiful children I've ever seen.  Your Uncle Johnny and I were waiting for your parents as they got ready to join us for dinner.  A big box had arrived earlier in the day and you were both happy to discover the peanut packing material inside.  Very soon it was all over the family room as you jumped up and down, playing in the box and making a big mess.  It is very funny to think back on it now.  I will always remember the kindness in Michael and I know that his family will always carry him with them, in their hearts.  We love you Michael; I know that you walk with God now, He will take care of you in ways that no one here on earth could.
Karianne Beltran Gone too soon April 18, 2012
I didn't know Mike as well as most, but what I did have the chance to encounter was an amazing human being. I will always remember him as being a kind, intelligent, generous, beautiful person that had such a strong love for life. I am deeply saddened by his passing and give my condolences to his family that he always spoke so well of and loved so much. Mike i'm going to miss you very much. You will always live in my thoughts and prayers....R.I.P.
santosh mohanty Friend April 18, 2012
don't know what to say except  that I wish I could somehow lessen your grief. my prayers are with you as well as the entire medical staff. santosh
Chris Lineberger Soul lives on April 17, 2012
I didn't spend a lot of time with Mike but knew him fairly well. In a short period time he made an impression with me as solid man, nice, charismatic and unusually inteligent. A very interesting and good souled person...Mike you will be missed across the board...friends, family, and aquaintances.

Deepest condolences to those closest to Mike
Pat Miskinnis Heartfelt sympathy April 17, 2012
Michael was such an enjoyable, bright and memorable young man.  Though I didn't get to know him well, he touched my heart.  My deepest sympathies to Michael's family. Prayers that God embraces them and they take comfort knowing he is at peace and with our other angels in heaven.  Until we meet again...Rejoyce with the Angels sweet Michael.
Nichelle Toomire RIP Michael April 17, 2012
There's a song, "Why" by Rascal Flatts...
Some of the lyrics:
"It must have been a place so dark you couldn't feel the light reaching for you through that stormy cloud.
Now here we are gathered in our little home town.  This can't be the way you meant to draw a crowd.
Oh, Why?  That's what I keep asking.  Was there anything I could have said or done?
Oh, I had no clue you were masking a troubled soul; God only knows what went wrong. Any why you'd leave the stage in the middle of a song.
Oh why?  There's no comprehending.  But who am I to try to judge or explain.
Oh but I do have one burning question: Why told you life wasn't worth the fight?  They wre wrong.  They lied.  Now your gone and we cried."...

Here's the youtube link to the song/video.

Big virtual hugs to Mick & family.
May God Bless you and help you heal.
Dave Honigman Farewell April 17, 2012
I met Mike in lacrosse.  He was amiable and humorous, capable and determined.  Thank you, Mike.  Farewell.
Michele Naumescu (Wold) Gone to soon April 17, 2012
I remember I meet you the summer I was going into my freshman year of high school, you were a grade ahead.  You use to come to my neighborhood to hang out with Mike and Israel and I just loved hanging out with the older boys. You use to tell me how I needed to take High school seriously and not goof off, make sure to keep my grades up.  I also remember you use to wear a silver boxing gloves neakless around your neck and I thought you were so cute.  Though I havent seen you in many many years I am deeply sadden to hear of your passing.  I pray for you and your loved ones.  God Bless
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